Increasing Your Business' Customer Base By Drawing Attention To Your Storefront
If you own a small business, you most likely advertise your wares and services in an attempt to draw in new customers. If you have a physical storefront, advertising on your building and the property in front of it is also necessary to grab the attention of those walking or driving past. Here are some ideas you can use to increase the visibility of your storefront in an attempt to gather more customers as a result.
Use Light To Your Advantage
Lighting up your business during nighttime hours is an extremely effective way in gaining new customers. Often those walking or driving past may ignore your building if there are other interesting items to look at in the area. It is important to let your business stand out from the others so it is noticed. Using lighting is one way to accomplish this task.
Purchase several neon signs to hang in storefront windows to entice people to come back during opening hours. Using floodlights to illuminate your storefront sign will put it into view easily. A light-up sign with digital lettering will give people passing by something to read as well.
Consider Hanging Signs To Announce Your Business
Use several signs in the front of your store to draw attention from those in the area. An awning can be placed over the front of your building with lettering showing people the name of your business so your establishment is seen from afar. Make sure to use a contrasting color for text compared to the awning's background color for increased readability.
Storefront sale signs will draw customers inside of your establishment to see if there is a bargain to be found. Using a sign to advertise your business on your property will also allow those walking by to peer toward your building to get a closer look. These work well for a business set back from street level.
Use Movable Objects To Increase Interest
You only have mere seconds to draw attention to those driving past. To increase the likelihood that motorists see your business, use movable items to increase interest to your property. Tie balloons to signs or flood lighting to get people to instinctively turn their heads in your business's direction. Blow up figures can be added to your property to wave around in the wind, possibly attracting a few new customers. Pinwheels or yard signs on posts can be placed directly into the soil in front of your property as well.
For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like